My Kemp Bars provide a pleasant way to consume kratom that is effective within minutes and can last up to a few hours.

Last year a friend asked if I would create a recipe containing kratom, a plant medicine in the coffee tree family that they regularly took in powder form for pain relief. If you’ve not heard of it, this somewhat controversial herbal supplement can cause either stimulant (low dose) or sedative-like effects (high dose). Some benefits may include an increase of energy, sociability, concentration, elevated mood and/or pain relief. It can also be helpful for those who are going through withdrawal symptoms from opioids as it acts on the brain’s opioid receptors. The taste of kratom in powder form can be off-putting due to its bitter flavor and the ingestion can be taxing which is why my friend requested a recipe. Eager to help I started experimenting with ingredients that homogenized well and were pleasant to consume.
Many renditions and several months later I present to you Kemp Bars; pleasing little bites that are effective within minutes and last up to a few hours.
Big Thanks To…
My friend, Emily, for sharing her Peanut Butter Oat Ball recipe that I ended up adapting.
My brother, Joe, for donating hemp leaves for the pic.
The friends who gave me honest feedback and helped tweak these bars to perfection.
Dosage & Duration
A single dose of kratom is typically between 1-3g however strains can have different levels of potency so it’s hard to measure exactly. This recipe is written as 1g each. If you are new to kratom do not take more than 1g at a time and wait a few hours in between each dose. Never exceed more than 5g at once.
The duration of a single dose of kratom typically lasts between 2-5 hours.
Side Effects & Safety Warning
Kratom’s lesser adverse effects could include things like nausea, itching, sweating, dry mouth, constipation and loss of appetite.
Kratom is generally thought to be safe and is legal at the federal level, however a few states have banned it over safety concerns of addiction and the risk of other serious adverse effects, including liver toxicity and (in rare circumstances) death. Always be cautious and do your own research before ingesting this plant medicine, especially if you are mixing it with other substances.

Kemp Bars
- 1 cup hulled hemp seeds
- 1 cup coconut flakes
- ½ cup almond butter
- ⅓ cup honey
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 24 grams kratom powder
- Melt the almond butter, honey, chocolate chips and vanilla in a small saucepan on med-low heat.
- Remove from heat and stir in hemp seeds, coconut flakes and powder. Combine well and let cool a bit before either rolling into 24 balls or spreading into a 9×13 pan to make 24 bars.
- Oats can be substituted for hemp seeds.
- Peanut butter can be substituted for almond butter.
- To make kratom-free simply omit the powder and add 2 more tablespoon of hemp seeds. If you’re using oats you don’t need to adjust the amount.
- I use a silicone mold that has 24 cavities and is for brownie squares. You can find it on Amazon here.
Looking for a kratom-free version?
Simply omit the powder and add 2 more tablespoon of hemp seeds. In fact it’s even more delicious that way and how the original recipe was intended.
Looking for a cannabis version?
Use my canna honey as an alternative way to spike these bars!
Why did I censor Instagram?
Meta is currently restricting posts about kratom and I didn’t want to be at risk for violating their rules. Searched words like “kratom” & “krat0m” are blocked with a safety warning that states “this may be associated with the sale of drugs”. Why? Who knows. Maybe because the FDA and DEA have it listed as a “drug and chemical of concern”. Whatever the reason I’m trying my best not to piss them off. 😉